last thursday was 2 of my housemates graduation day. yep. they are done with their 3 years of degree at Adelaide uni. which is awesomeeeeee okay! aih, i still have one more year to go to finish mines. but anyway, both of them are still here, doing their honours year. ok now we're even. hehe.
as you might have guessed, both of their parents came all the way down under just to attend their beloved daughter's graduation ceremony. auww~ so sweet! =)
and yes, it felt really home-ly having 2 mothers here. finger licking dishes everyday! and just now, i had rendang and cek mek molek. burp~
omg. i have to stop eating that much. aih, but who can resist a mother's cooking? its very tempting you know!
ok, back to graduation story. it was a one-hour event at Bonython Hall with some light refreshments after that at Union House. gee, the carrot cake was sooo yummy okay! i think i ate like 3 ...or maybe 4 slices of it! *drooools*
oh no. did i just write about foods again? crap!
well anyways, i wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to my dear housemates, IZZATI & YASMIN for officially graduating with a degree of Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) and Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) respectively. good luck and all the best in your future undertakings alright? =)
here's some photos that were taken that day which i wanted to share.
ok, time grad nanti pun nak buat tema colour jugak boleh tak?
its approaching the end of april already. which means another 7 more months to complete my studies! i soooo cannot wait to finish and graduate!
plishhh, tanak sangkut2 mana2 paper. nak graduate plishh. wish me luck! =)
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